Netherworld by Schoenberger and Christodoulou

New cinematic musical composition Netherworld. Listen here.

“Netherworld” was created by Sophia Musik: Thomas Schoenberger & Constantine Christodoulou.

Thomas Schoenberger is a composer who speaks in music.

He has no transitive verbs to accompany his music.

He lacks nouns, and prefers to let the music speak on its own, unencumbered by text.

“Netherworld” was created by Sophia Musik: Thomas Schoenberger & Constantine Christodoulou.

Composer Thomas Schoenberger

Composer Thomas Schoenberger

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The day I released my New CD “322”, a Meteor over New York Streaks across the Night Sky

There are no coincidences…….My new CD entitled 322 deals with the coming of asteroids, meteors, and comets, things falling from heaven…..My first single called Jerusalem was launched the morning of 3-22. Last night, I noticed a slew of hits on my Youtube channel. Now I know why….

I guess this is a first..Having a meteor arrive just in time to help market a new CD that deals with ….Fiery stones falling from the sky!

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Meteor lights up night sky over eastern United States
March 22, 2013|Daniel Trotta | Reuters


(Denis Balibouse/Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A meteor bright enough to be classified as a fireball lit up the night sky over eastern North America on Friday, providing a spectacle witnessed in at least 13 states, Washington, D.C. and two Canadian provinces, the American Meteor Society said.

The society verified more than 300 witness sightings from Ontario and Quebec down to the southern U.S. state of North Carolina with more than 100 reports yet to be reviewed, said Mike Hankey, an observer for the American Meteor Society.

More of an update New fireball seen over Argentina April 22nd 2013



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Jerusalem by Thomas Schoenberger

    New composition “Jerusalem” on youtube: This is my first release from my CD entitled “322” The theme is fireballs falling from the sky….The arrival of such things is here, I feel, despite the oddly disconnected utterances out of Nasa that “everything if fine”. Is it? Something is happening in the sky and from the meteors seen in Russia,Cuba, and even here in Northern California, more are coming.. I personally think it is connected to a comet called ISON, a comet observed in 1680, and prior to this as the Comet of Destruction mentioned by Roman historian Josephus as the harbinger of the destruction of Israel.This comet is back….and I am not joking.. The meteors are it’s calling cards,and more fireballs are coming….sooner than you think. By the third week of November,you will look up in the sky and it will appear as if we have two moons…Remember this post……..I hope you enjoy the music….


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New Music Trumpets of 2013

See my latest composition below.  Combining the lonely voice of the trumpet with a moving engorged foundation of strings and sitar, the melody is an ode to the merging of Spain and Arabia.A series of historic trumpet icons grace the aria, creating a hypnotic mixture of image and melody.

— Thomas Schoenberger


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PianoWorks Music Composed by Thomas Schoenberger

This is a collection of mostly new compositions. dedicated to the memory of Dr T. Schoenberger — doctor, master gardener, veteran and father. The compositions were inspired by hearing my good friend Professor Robert Levin tackle the most difficult Mozart pieces with grace and ease.

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Thomas Schoenberger

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